Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

11 months!!!

Sarah turned 11 months old yesterday! So many fun things have happened this month:

- Shes WALKING...really well!
- Talking to us constantly ( in her own language) but has a lot to say
- Starting to really like her meals, really likes turkey and cheese
- Hears the word "No" alot and shakes her head when we say it to her
- Chases Dylan everywhere
- Loves animals
- Has 8 teeth
- Loves to share toys and food
- Is starting to dance!
- Went to her first football games (ill post pics soon)

Here are some pictures from the last month!


  1. Sam only has TWO teeth!!! Haha. I wish he'd get some more so I wouldn't worry about him chewing his food!! Glad everything is going so well :)
