Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Busy Bees Christmas Party

Mass Chaos
New Baby doll
Cleaning up


Oh the joy of watching a 2 year old preschool Christmas party!
"I love my snowflake hat."
" I dont want my snowflake hat."
"Yucky food, ohhhh M&M." (crunch, crunch)
"Is that her mommy?"
"Cookie? More sprinkles."
"My juice."
" My present."
"My present."

oh and did i mention... "MY PRESENT."

All presents lately seem to be "Sarah's." It was fun to watch Sarah's class enjoy their lunch ( I made reindeer pb and j's...super cute if i do say so myself), decorate their cookies with icing and sprinkles, play a pass the present game where we all brought a new book to unwrap...and then if her teachers are not generous enough with their time and love....they each got to unwrap a gift especially for them from their teachers. That made Sarah's day! She LOVES her new baby doll!

I got to unwrap with Sarah's help the most precious ornament that she made for me with her hand print turned into five snowmen. Adorable and yes it went immediately on our tree! It was fun, loud, busy and left me with a good napper today.

Wet Wonderland

It was a wet Christmas Stroll this year! The first weekend in December vendors in the city of Georgetown host "The Christmas Stroll" with a wonderful parade, Town of Bethlehem, Who-ville and lots of food and gifts. Sarah LOVES a parade and it didn't matter to her that it was raining this year. Thank you Daddy for being a good sport hanging out in the rain!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Little Helper

Sarah helped Daddy with lights this year!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sweet Baby Jesus

See my Baby Jesus?

Sarah has her own nativity scene and loves her Baby Jesus! Baby Jesus eats lunch with her, likes corn dogs and coloring pictures.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Final Product

Read the post below to see the steps before I got this cute shot of Sarah. Amazing how she makes me work so hard!

Smile, Sarah....please...

These are the pictures in order of me trying to get a cute pic before school last week. No smile, half smile, fake "cheese",and then I just told her to laugh. She did the fake laugh...a lot. Do you think she likes attention?

Busy Bee Class Christmas Performance

I would love to show you video of the Busy Bee class performance singing Jingle Bells and other precious Jesus songs that you could clearly hear Sarah singing in perfect harmony with her classmates. That will not happen. Sarah, who sings all day and all night at our house, decided that when it came time to sing as a group to do the "drama, throw your head back, make yourself known" cry. This is why she is sporting tears in these pictures! I will try to get some video clips in is kinda shaky camera action as I was also trying to comfort her and had to turn off the video at times. :)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

So much to be thankful for!

I am a tad late in posting all the pictures from a fun Thanksgiving in San Antonio/Ranch with the Buschman fam! We had a great time cruising the River on a dinner barge Wednesday night, wonderful food, fam and football on Thanksgiving, and a relaxing end to the week at the Ranch. We loved every minute, especially Miss Sarah at the ranch. Horses, horses, horses. She rode them, she fed them, she hugged them and she misses them. Sarah also is quite the turkey hunter...she has mastered the turkey call and her binocular skills are outstanding. The turkey call goes something like this...."TURKEY!!!!!"