Sarah turned 2 last Thursday and we have been celebrating all week! She TOTALLY understands the whole birthday things..cake, presents..attention. :) Jordan and I were excited to give her a play kitchen ( that took HOURS to put together...ahhh, memories) and she has loved everything that her family and friends sent her way to celebrate. Thank you, thank you everyone! I will add her 2 year stats tomorrow after her doctors appointment. She talks all day and can speak full sentences and ask you questions, etc. She has turned into such a small person! Her favorite things to eat are chicken, rice, beans, bananas, yogurt, corn dogs and caesar salad. She loved caesar salad...cracks us up since it is the only green thing she will eat at the moment. She plays with baby dolls, loves puppets and anything with crayons and paint. She wants to help with everything and says "my turn" when she wants to do something herself. So far there is nothing she can't say or doesn't I said, I have a talker. Sarah loves her family and friends and giving everyone hugs. A true social butterfly and pure drama queen. We love you Sarah!
Sarah's 2 year old Stats:
Height: 35 inches ( 75%) she had a huge growth spurt!
Weight: 26.12 lbs (55%)
Head Circumference: 47.0 cm. (40%)
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